
18 November 2008
Richard Hawkins - What do you tell your Client about Global Warming? Can there ever be common ground between the views of Climate Contrarians, Deniers & Sceptics, and Warmists, Alarmists & Catastrophists?

21 November 2007
M C Mehta - Public Interest Litigation and the Role of the Indian Supreme Court in the Protection of the Environment

13 December 2006
Professor Malcolm Forster - The Fourth Age of Environmental Law – the End of the Beginning or the Beginning of the End?

8 December 2005
Sir Crispin Tickell - Environment on the Edge

7 October 2004
George Kremlis - The Challenge of the Implementation of the Environmental Acquis Communautaire in the new Member States

27 May 2003
Dr Klaus Topfer - Let there be Light: Government in the Sunshine, Human Rights and Environmental Justice

31 January 2002
Jonathan Porritt - Sustainable Development - The Challenge of Good Governance