UKELA South West Lunchtime Legal Update - Water Series | Water Resilience – finding the balance

Join UKELA South West for a lunchtime talk on Water Resilience – finding the balance (online). This is the third in a series of talks on the water sector and related issues. Time:  12.30pm to 1.15pm.




This lunchtime session, Water Resilience – finding the balance, is hosted by UKELA South West. This is an online event and is the third in a series focussing on the water sector, culminating in a panel event on 16 May discussing the challenges faced by the water industry in 2024. 

The speaker for this event is James Dodds MSc, Director, Chairperson and Water Management Specialist at Envireau Water. James is a nationally recognised expert in water management, with experience in many different countries and across a range of sectors including water supply, agriculture, development, international mining, UK quarrying and onshore oil and gas. James has specialised in UK water management and the regulatory systems around abstraction and discharge, flooding and drainage for over 30 years. He is also a Chartered Geologist and Fellow of the Institute of Quarrying.

James will address the topic of water resilience currently faced by the sector in the UK and the delicate balancing act to be undertaken with issues such as abstraction licensing, water neutrality, impacts on stream flow and climate change in order to achieve sustainability and security in the face of an increasingly unpredictable environment.

The talk is £5 and will be held by Zoom. Joining details will be sent on morning of the webinar. 

To book your place, please log in or register and follow the prompts. Please don't register again if you have already set up an account with us.  

29/04/2024 12:30 - 13:15
GMT Daylight Time
Registration is closed.