Our working parties cover a range of areas of environmental law, policy and practice. They meet regularly to discuss topical issues, recent developments and proposals for reform. They prepare responses to consultations and proactively engage with government and regulators over issues of particular importance for our members.

Any of our members are very welcome to join a working party - get in touch and we'll link you up. We look forward to seeing you!



What we do


The Climate Change and Energy Working Party (CCEWP) aims to influence and improve laws tackling climate change and air pollution, and promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy. 

What we do includes:
Responding to consultations on proposed legislation or government policies concerning climate change, energy and air pollution;
monitoring the application of existing legislation and guidelines;
providing training events on emerging topics and ensuring our membership is up to date with developments.

Our key priority areas are currently:
The government’s net zero strategy and how this affects business;
The transition to renewable energy;
Carbon budgets, with particular focus on the recommendations of the Climate Change Committee;
Low carbon energy investment support;
Energy efficiency policy;
Corporate reporting on climate and carbon;
Carbon capture and storage.

Owing to the broad scope of this area, our activities go beyond pure environmental law and include consideration of the policy behind the legislation (in particular, in relation to the carbon markets, emissions trading, energy security and broader energy market regulation). The input and assistance of specialists in other areas (e.g. financial services, tax) is also therefore welcomed.


Who we are

Participants include individuals from statutory agencies and non-governmental organisations, environmental and planning consultants, lawyers in private and public sector practice and academics. Given the broad scope of this area, our activities go beyond pure 'environment law' and into consideration of the policy behind the legislation (in particular, in relation to the carbon markets, emissions trading, energy security and broader energy market regulation). The input and assistance of specialists in other areas (e.g. financial services, tax) is also therefore welcomed. Only UKELA members are eligible to join the Working Party although guests are welcome at meetings. We keep in touch via our google group. The Working Party is led by three convenors, currently Becky Clissmann, Stephen Hockman KC & Kat Kramer.




Becky Clissmann

Counsel, Ashurst LLP

Stephen Hockman KC

Head of chambers at Six Pump Court

Kat Kramer


Responses to consultation papers

If you are seeking an older consultation paper, please email us. 


Response to call for evidence by the Department for Energy, Security & Net Zero on Scope 3 Emissions

Posted on 14/12/2023
UKELA's response to the call for evidence by the Department for Energy, Security & Net Zero on Scope 3 Emissions.


Response to the FRC on the UK Endorsement of ISSB Sustainability Disclosure Standards

Posted on 08/10/2023
Response to the call for evidence by the Financial Reporting Council on the UK Endorsement of ISSB Sustainability Disclosure Standards, prepared by UKELA’s Climate Change & Energy Working Party.

UKELA’s consultation response on a Northern Ireland Climate Change Bill led by the Climate Change & Energy Working Party, the Northern Ireland Working Party and the Governance and Devolution Group (February 2021) - Read paper.

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